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Why ‘Fights in Marriage’ is included as topic ….
Why perfectly loving couple faces disturbed marriage even within first year of marriage
Effect of Fights on Marriage.
Is it possible never to fight in marriage?
Take time to resolve the issues.
How not to fight in marriage.
Never abuse, verbal or physical.
Take turns on getting angry.
Allow angry person to cool-off.
Never extend fight overnight.
“Ding-Dong Theory” to stop your fights.
Never play a “divorce-card”.
Your partner may be right, at least most of the times.
How to communicate “I am sorry”
Admit sooner when you are wrong.
Conditional apology is no apology.
Never correct your partner’s mistakes as and when you wish.
Remaining Silent - An emotional abuse.
You can never justify reasons for ‘Divorce’, even after separation.
Sharing responsibility of Kids.
Self-evaluation.- Men / Women